You will learn the exact & proven process of how to start a blog from scratch and select the right niche to rank it on the first page and monetize it to earn passive income from it
This workshop is for everyone who wants to embark on their digital journey and learn how start freelancing, build a blog from scratch & understand various ways to make money online with ZERO prior experience
This training is for anyone who seriously wants to start making money online and leverage the benefits of digitalization and work on their own terms
Training will be conducted over Zoom calls for 5 days with 1 day assignment gap. You can attend the training online anywhere from any device. In case you miss any session, you’ll get FREE access to all blogging workshops in 2023
With everyone having the shiny-object syndrome, people are running behind new trends of building a personal brand and offering funnel marketing services, because of which blogging again has become an unsaturated niche again.
If you're like me not comfortable showing yourself on social media every time but still want to make huge money in 2023, blogging is just the right thing for you!
If you learn and execute the right things at the start of your blogging journey, you'll soon achieve the stage where you only have to put 2-3 hours per week, and your blog will make money for you on automation 24x365.
With people around the world starting to hate seeing ads and installing ad blockers on their devices, blogging will become a relevant way to market any business on the planet.
And without a single doubt, Blogging is the best way to start your digital journey or your online presence
Agenda of 5 Days Blogging Masterclass
July 24 – 8PM – 10PM
July 25 – 8PM – 10PM
July 26 – assignment break
July 27 – 8PM – 10PM
July 28 – 8PM – 10PM
(Grab this opportunity to make blogging your full-time income so that you don’t have to worry about recession or any other pandemic #ATMANIRBHAR)
Meet your Trainer
I am super pumped up as I have never shared everything for such a low cost and looking forward to seeing you grow as Pro Blogger at the end of the workshop
100% Practical Learning along with implementation like never before
Step by Step done for you structure & plan on how to start a blog to get it on the 1st page and how to handle all the obstacles coming in the way
Revealing all my strategies, and truths on making any blog successful and busting the myths & trap most people get into while blogging and don't get desired results
Creating the content the Right way & laying the foundation to make sure your blog improves and gets maximum traffic
Monetizing your Blog & building a strong revenue model that can generate passive revenues monthly
How to Sell products & services from your Blog?
What Points am I covering in the Masterclass!!
Join BLOGGING MASTERCLASS to learn the real tested & proven strategies
(Grab this opportunity to make blogging your full-time income so that you don’t have to worry about recession or any other pandemic #ATMANIRBHAR)
Why you should join the Blogging Masterclass?
Overwhelmed with personal branding, video creation, and funnel marketing things going throughout the internet?
PLUS, if you are – I’m sure you must be facing issues with earning money.
If that’s the case, I have some exciting news for you!
My students and I have been doing pretty well despite all the chaos. In fact, we’ve been making decent profits every single day!
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Oh great, another bragger.” But I promise that’s not what this is about.
I really want to emphasize how powerful blogging can be. I mean, my 3-year-old blogs are still making money to this day.
Can you believe that? That’s the beauty of passive income, my friend.
And it’s not just about the money either. I bring in free traffic for my other businesses without paying a penny to Facebook or Google. It’s pretty amazing, right?
And my students? They’ve become freelancers, bloggers, affiliate marketers, and so much more. The opportunities are endless as long as you have the right skills.
So here’s the deal.
In a time when people are struggling to find work, I have a ton of work to do. And do you know what the difference is?
It’s all about learning the skill of blogging. Trust me, it’s worth it.
Join the Blogging Masterclass, and let’s turn those skills into profits!
I have been doing BLOGGING for 14 freaking years and have honed this skill at a level where I can vouch on making any newbie into a pro blogger who earns money through Blogging if he/she follows all my strategies and process
We Walk the Talk. We do What we Say
Monetizing Your Blog
Approx 30-33% of the clicks go to the site ranking of page 1 of Google, 2nd domain sees 17.6%, while the 7th only sees 3.5%
Reminder: Nobody goes to page 2 or 3
– It takes time and effort to get to page 1.
– You can expect to make Rs 50-100 per 1000 organic visits
People often have misconception that Google Adsense can just help you make $100-200/mo but a blog with 4000-5000 visits/day can fetch you as much as Rs 1 Lakh/month
Opportunities Beyond Adsense
Google Adsense is just the beginning of monetization – Affiliate Marketing, E-commerce, Paid Campaigns can fetch you a lot more money, once your blog has enough traffic and traction
Selling Products From Your Blog
Once you manage to promote affiliate products/services of other companies, you can start selling your own products/services too!
By selling 50 items/day with AOV of Rs 2000, you can generate a lakh/day
Here’s our Ecom Store that did 5 Crore+ Revenues in 100 Days!
Since 3 to 4 months, you must have come across numerous ads of people selling courses of 99,199,299, etc
And most of them have no practical knowledge and they just focus to mint some money!!
I am against that too!!
You might have purchased some of the courses and ended up finding no practical knowledge & no proper guidance or support!!
So, I came up with a system where I will eliminate the concept of theoretical learning
In BLOGGING MASTERCLASS, I have structured it in a way that we will focus on practical aspects Everything will be done LIVE in front of you!!
I do what I say!!
I will take you through the whole journey of building a BLOG from scratch to finding the right niche proceeding to how you can rank your blog using different strategies how to monetize it & also how to grow as a freelancer
Teaching you theory is something that can be done by everyone. BUT……
Showing you everything practically & then teaching you will be fun & exciting (along with my secret strategies as well which only my core group of students know till now)
Join now for the most practical, proven & tested multiples times methods to take advantage of blogging to make money online
As I am going to keep practicing and focusing on every student, I am keeping seats limited. Join the winning community of soon-to-be PRO-BLOGGERS
P.S Join only if you are willing to put in the work and are super serious take an unfair advantage of blogging
Join BLOGGING MASTERCLASS to learn the real tested & proven strategies
(Grab this opportunity to make blogging your full-time income so that you don’t have to worry about recession or any other pandemic #ATMANIRBHAR)
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